In 1959, Elvis Presley, often referred to as “The King of Rock ‘n’ Roll,” enchanted the world with his heartfelt rendition of “My Baby Left Me.” This iconic song remains etched in the annals of music history, and its story is as compelling as Elvis’s electrifying performance.
“My Baby Left Me” was originally written and recorded by blues musician Arthur Crudup in 1949. Elvis Presley’s rendition in 1959, however, gave the song a new lease of life, turning it into a timeless rock ‘n’ roll classic. Elvis’s powerful vocals and charismatic stage presence made this song unforgettable.
Yes my baby left me,
never said a word.
Was it something I done,
something that she heard?
My baby left me,
my baby left me.
My baby even left me,
never said a word.
Now I stand at my window,
wring my hands and cry.
I hate to lose that woman,
hate to say goodbye.
You know she left me,
yes, she left me.
My baby even left me,
never said a word.
Baby, one of these mornings,
Lord, it won’t be long,
You’ll look for me and,
Baby, and daddy he’ll be gone.
You know you left me,
you know you left me.
My baby even left me,
never said a word.
Now, I stand at my window,
wring my hands and moan.
All I know is that
the one I love is gone.
My baby left me,
you know she left me.
My baby even left me,
never said a word.